
Archive for August, 2011


(Creating Minds.org)


‘With our thoughts we make the world.’

Gautama Buddha

‘All that is, is the result of what we have thought.’

Gautama Buddha

‘We are what we think.’

Gautama Buddha


‘The world we have made, as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far, creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them.’

Albert Einstein


‘Every revolution was first a thought in one man’s mind.’

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson


‘Most people can’t think, most of the remainder won’t think, and the small fraction who do think mostly can’t do it very well.’

Robert Heinlein


‘Every real thought on every real subject knocks the wind out of somebody or other.’

Oliver Wendell Holmes


‘Most of one’s life…is one prolonged effort to prevent oneself thinking.’

Aldous Huxley


If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.’

George S. Patton


‘I’ll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there’s evidence of any thinking going on inside it.’

Terry Pratchett


‘Many people would rather die than think; in fact most do.’

Bertrand Russell


‘As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think BIG.’

Donald Trump


‘They can do all because they think they can.’



‘No problem can stand the assault of sustained thinking.’





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Charles Hugh Smith is in the process of posting a three part series of essays.

Social Innovation Will be More Important Than Technological Innovation


Here is my take-out from the first of them.


August 29, 2011

Technological innovations can be helpful, but they won’t solve our fundamental problems. For that, we will need social innovations.

The explosive rise and global impact of technological innovation has persuaded us that technology is the ultimate solution to all our problems.

This assumption is rarely questioned; it has become like the air, unseen and unexamined.

All this boils down to a cargo-cult in which a better battery, a better software package and a better diagnostic tool will enable us to avoid any changes in our lifestyle and culture.

The notion that technological innovation is intrinsically incapable of “fixing” our problems is not just alien to our collective mindset, it is essentially sacreligious.

In the current cargo-cult of technology worship, the basic assumption is better engineering can solve every problem…    (more)


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The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.

~ Dorothy Parker


Fuck the job, grow the food — the plants are much more deserving and will be much more rewarding of the hard work.

~ Anon


I seem to witness society producing voids in men where substance should reside.

~ Anon


In a Ponzi world the only person who adds ‘value’ is the person that perpetuates or expands the Ponzi.

~ Cognitive Dissonance


Changing your mind is one of the best ways of finding out whether or not you still have one.
– Taylor Mali.


Because “government” is just the most organized form of crime?

~ Anon


These are the days of our lives.  Live them – come what may.



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This Post is a pretty heavily redacted interview taken from Transition Voice
I have picked out [and edited for readability] the bits that I have also been thinking and writing about – and a few new ideas as well.

It refers to the American experience, but I think there is a lot in it for all of us.

I have highlighted the points that I think are particularly noteworthy. 

(If you want to read the whole article, click on the link below).


Interview: Dmitry Orlov

August 16, 2011

Russian-American peak oil and economic analyst Dmitry Orlov, whose popular website, Club Orlov, offers both his own thoughts, and a vigorous community of like-minded readers.

Orlov takes a more skeptical, less forgiving look at collapse, his book Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Experience and American Prospects is awesome.  If you can call reading about peak oil and collapse “awesome”.

Orlov’s direct experience with Soviet collapse translates into an excellent historical perspective. Yes, he’s pretty blunt, and doesn’t candy-coat things, but at the same time he’s a quick yet informative read and I highly recommend it.  I’d describe his approach as “moving with, rather than against, collapse.”     ~ Lindsay Curren


Dmitry:   Americans are quite a bit more delusional than the Soviets were, by the end.  I think by the end of the Soviet Union the delusion of grandeur kind of wore thin in the Soviet Union. Everybody knew that the problems weren’t just cosmetic. It wasn’t just a rough patch, it wasn’t something that, “Oh, we’ll just get over by trying the same thing a little bit harder”.  People realized that what they had been trying for the past 70 years basically didn’t work.

But in the United States, people are, most people are very far from realizing that what they’ve been doing basically doesn’t work and will probably end up killing a lot them. So there isn’t really that realization at all.

I was looking at Mike Ruppert’s site today, and in one of his little comments that he intersperses with various news stories he said, “We’re herdling towards collapse.” It’s a really wonderful kind of mishmash of hurtling as a herd.

Lindsay: And do you feel that there’s any real sense among the elected leaders that collapse is coming down the pike? Or are they as oblivious as the average schmoe?

Dmitry:  Oh, they’re not oblivious at all… One of the games that they’re playing, and it’s a very interesting, very dangerous game, sort of like juggling knives, is if the economy, if the real physical economy is collapsing, unemployment keeps going up, more and more people are excluded from the economy all the time, then that gives you the ability to print money because the two things balance out.

So you have this deflationary trend, of the economy collapsing, of property values and various asset prices falling, and at the same time you can re-inflate the economy by printing money. And that money ends up in the pockets of very few people who then use it to buy up physical goods. So that’s really the trend, we see this concentration of paper capital. Collapse is for the lowly masses, not the elite

Well they want to perpetuate the fiction of control. That this is still making sense.

Now the point is that the economies of the world have stopped growing. They will never resume growth.  And the preconditions for their continued existence of the financial schemes, they’re gone, they don’t exist anymore.

So now there’s this strange paper shuffling game where they’re trying to pretend that everything is still under control, and normal, and to parley that into some sort of physical advantage… the countries don’t matter anymore. The nation-state and sovereignty and things like that, it doesn’t matter any more… there are these transnational industrial and banking mafias that run the world and they don’t owe their allegiance to any one country.

And the leaders of the various countries get together and their job is to appease the people who actually make the decisions, not to make the decisions themselves.

Revolt in this situation amounts to turning down your lunch… So people are in no position to revolt. They’re completely dependent on this financial totalitarian scheme. There’s no opting out of it so there’s very little that people can do. Everywhere you go, there you are…  No matter [where] I pick I’m staying on this planet…

The other point is that the Soviet Union has collapsed already, so [if I returned] I’d be moving to a post-collapse place.

Russia right now is a fairly strange country in a stable sort of way. By stable I mean it’ll hold together for a few more decades at least, because it’s so energy-rich and resource-rich. Not for any other reason.

I see that Soviet society had certain advantages in terms of surviving collapse, but it disintegrated in the course of that collapse… What we have now in Russia is this gonzo capitalism where oil and natural gas revenues filter in and through the economy through various kinds of kickbacks and graft and corruption and inflate this very urban, middle class, prosperous society which only comprises a small percentage of the overall population.

The rest of the country is going extinct. Russians as a people are going extinct. There will be fewer and fewer large cities. The countryside is largely devastated and empty. And on top of that there are lots of environmental disasters coming down that may make growing food in Russia as dicey a proposition as elsewhere. So Russia is slowly shriveling away as a country.

[also,] going to the United States is a one-way ticket for most people.

When you come to the United States you stop being whoever you started out as, and you become this amorphous “American” that doesn’t fit anywhere else in the world. A lot of what becoming American means is kind of leaving behind the obligatory cultural baggage, which is considered unnecessary in the United States. Oh, it’s still necessary wherever you came from. So you can’t go back there and say, “Well, you know, I left you behind, but here I am, take me back”.  No, nobody’s going to take you back. And so it’s a one-way trip for everybody who comes here. Myself probably included.

Part of my preparation [for the future], is understanding that the political situation in the world at large and in the United States too, eventually, is going to devolve into something pretty nasty.  To where people are getting held up at check points and the undesirables are herded away and I don’t want to be one of them.

So I’m not going to be a rebel and get shot. I don’t really want that to happen to me. So I’m not going to take part in any sort of futile organized rebellion or anything of that sort.

I know a lot of people who are starting little mini plantations and mini farms and growing their own foods. And yet they drive around like mad. If they were cut off from the gasoline supply, or if there were check points on the road where produce was confiscated, then they wouldn’t stand a chance. They just wouldn’t be able to survive, so the preparations are sort of status quo preparations. They’re sort of in this magic la-la land where, “We’re sort of preparing for something but once it occurs, how is it going to work?”   I have no idea.

Lindsay: I feel that a lot. I feel a very palpable sense that something is happening, or is going to happen. That it’s inevitable. And yet everything is exactly as it ever was. So it’s kind of, there’s a quality of insanity to it. I’m aware that it’s all just a deluded thing around me, but I still get in my car to go to the gigantic supermarket to get some food. I’m writing again, and again, and again about issues that concern me, and it seems that the things I’m pointing to are untenable, they can’t possibly last. And yet they last and they last and they last. And I start to feel like, “Is this real?” And then I conclude, “Yes it is real, but why am I writing about it because nothing’s really happening”.

And it’s a really tough position I think, for people to be in, whether they’re actively working in the peak oil community, or whether they’re just a person who is kind of sensing that things aren’t all together right. But then the sun rises tomorrow and things look the same…

..I can also feel a sense of futility about certain preparations… I’ve got about four feet by about six feet in my front yard in two beds in which I can grow something and the sage and the chives and the basil that are out there aren’t going to feed me very much.

I’m enraged by the falseness of our government as well as the culture in so many ways that I can’t help but feel like it all needs to be ripped to shreds. And maybe that’s just my own thing. That’s just an aside. I’m not asking you a question there. I’m just rambling about my desire to have a revolution.

Dmitry:  I think you’re too hard on American politicians because look at the people they’re governing. If you tried to rule these people you would probably end up just like them. It’s a completely thankless task unless you find some benefit in it for yourself. So the politicians are hard pressed to make it worth their while to be politicians.

I can commiserate with them about the quality of the populace because democracy is really for people who are capable of self-governance.  Now Americans at large are not capable of self-governance. They expect to be protected from each other. They expect to be provided for. They expect for things to remain the same even when this doesn’t make any more sense. And those are their expectations. So they expect to be lied to.  If you stop lying to Americans they would kill you.  That is the bind that our national politicians are in and we should feel sorry for them.

Lindsay:   I go back and forth. Is it the politicians? Is it the media? Is it the interface? Is it the people? And you know, it’s hard to unravel the cat’s cradle of insanity that the entire ball of yarn is.  But I have to remain true to myself and for whatever reason I want to “overthrow” it.

Anyway, so what do you think of the Transition movement as a possible solution for communities or individuals?

Dmitry: Well it presupposes the idea that you can get there from here.

Part of what they try to do is this sort of incrementalist approach where you change one thing at a time. You do what’s doable. You open it up to society at large, and see what little thing can be done. What little token of activity is possible. Maybe grow a little corn, maybe open a bike lane, maybe put up a little wind generator somewhere. Whatever. Do a little carpooling.

But what if you can’t get there from here? What if post-collapse society doesn’t resemble this society in any way, shape or form?

What if you basically have to start out from the point of view of, “Well, most of you won’t make it?”  There are situations like that that I’ve been in… attrition rate is 75%.”

Why is collapse supposed to be softer on people?

Now if you look at what’s happening to the young people now, not just in this country but around the world, two thirds of college graduates can’t find a job that they were supposedly training for. They can’t pay back their student loans. They’re dropping out of the system. It changes their world view. The idea that you’re going to work for worldly goods is out the window. There is basically a different value system that’s taking shape in little pockets of younger people around the world. Where what they’re interested in, what makes them interested in each other, is something that ideally we don’t know about. They’re creating their little hermetic societies and sects and cliques from which the older generation is going to be completely excluded.

You see this in American society, where older people can not talk to younger people. They’re afraid of them. There’s this incredible fear of youth that permeates American society. There’s this incredible urge to control young people, to structure their activities. To make sure they’re supervised at all times. Because there’s a split going on.

The older generations think they can live out their years the way they’ve been used to it. The younger generation wont have it. And that’s the truth about that. We’re going to be old and helpless surrounded by people who can’t relate to us.

Lindsay:  But I sometimes look at those kids and wonder if this is the most ill-equipped generation to inherit this freaking chaos? Because they’re so used to sitting with their thumbs twiddling a mile a minute on texting and their computer communications and a sort of a disconnect from the world of real inputs.  What do you think of youth inheriting this freaking chaos?

Dmitry: I think they’re perfectly well adjusted.  Because there’s nothing to be done. There’s nothing to work towards.  You know it’s a shrinking, a negative sum game. It’s going to be less and less from now on, poorer and poorer quality on a still very crowded planet. So the best you can do is distract yourself.

Which part of economy is doing well?  Facebook, Twitter.  Things that isolate you from physical reality as much as possible.  Why? Because physical reality isn’t worth looking at anymore. We’re just going to escape into this artificial, electronic realm and that’ll be the endgame.

You can probably have three or four or five more Googles, maybe ten or a hundred more Googles, if you get rid of various bloated corporations with their useless servers. If you get rid of the US government with all of their spinning capacity.

Basically you can have economic growth in the promising areas by having economic collapse in the non-promising ones.

Imagine just how much capacity you suddenly create if you do away with the global automobile industry? Or if you suddenly make it impossible to have people fly to a vacation? Now, that is a very easy thing to do. So there’s a lot [that can] be sacrificed..

I think it’s fairly optimistic. I think it’s going to be a technological future that will include some people …the people who are extra smart and extra capable..will make it no matter what. Because there will always be those. You know it’s a very tenacious race that we have. And people are this invasive, weedy species that adapts to any circumstance. So I’m not worried about the survival of the human race.

Back in the U.S.S.R:   around ’96 or so I really wanted to know why the Soviet Union collapsed. Because all of the rationales that were given, like… Americans for some reason thought that it had something to do with them. That’s untenable. So I tried to figure out why that happened. And I came upon research done by Campbell and Laherrère and Deffeyes and Jay Hanson and a few other people that totally made sense.

Now a few years before the collapse their oil production crashed because they exceeded the limits of their technology.  At the same time they became very dependent on imports of consumer items and food from around the world, and so that needed foreign revenue which they got from natural gas and oil.  During that time, as a coincidence, North Sea and Prudhoe Bay in Alaska came on stream and so the oil price went down to an all time historical low of about $10 a barrel. That bankrupted them.

So the combination of a shrinking industrial base because there was less and less oil, and less and less foreign revenue because the oil was selling at these rock bottom prices, basically doomed them.  And they realized that pretty early on. The rest of it was just this sort of attempt to survive on the part of the Soviet elite, scrambling for position and resources. They weren’t trying to save the system at that point.

And basically the leading indicator was the fall in oil production, then the GDP fell, then coal and natural gas production fell as well. And then there was a run on effect where there was a secondary stage of destruction.

Now, transferring that to the United States, well, it’s sort of a treadmill where things get worse and worse and worse over time, and what dooms it eventually is when global oil peaks. Because you can import your way out of a local peak, but you can not import your way out of a global peak. It hits everyone at the same time.

Essentially that is the end game for the United States as well. Less oil means a smaller economy. But the financial requirements are still the same and some of the physical requirements are still the same. That is the undoing that we’re witnessing right now.

Lindsay: We sort of covered this a bit, but it certainly sounds like you don’t think most people in America even have a clue. The thought being that Americans think this only happens to people in other countries. For most Americans it’s not even on the radar. What do you foresee if things converge in such a way that there’s a harsh comedown, how ugly do you think things could get in the US, citizen to citizen?

Dmitry: As ugly as it is [right now].

If you want to see ugly go to Flint, Michigan. Go to Detroit. There’s lots of places in the rust belt that they’re really post-collapse already. And there’s more and more of them every year. We’re losing entire cities. It’s an ongoing process. And it’s very, very ugly.  People get killed. A lot of people don’t survive. A lot of people’s lives get ruined. So that’s happening. It’s not something we look forward to in the future. It’s happening today.  So we’re not talking about some fictional realm that only exits in the future. We’re talking about this country today.

You can sort of separate Americans into polite society and not-so-polite society.

But in polite society there’s a definite limit to what people will deal with. They have this basic idea that “everything is going to be alright.” You have no right to tell them otherwise. They won’t listen to you if you do. If you don’t believe that “everything is going to be alright” there’s something wrong with you. You need to be medicated or something. You need therapy. You’re not optimistic enough to join polite society.

And then there are the people who never stood a chance in that realm at all. They’re just living their lives however they can. They’re deeply flawed. Their lives are in some sense ruined already by this environment that they’ve been in. And nothing is ever going to be alright for them.

So there’s this internal shunning process that goes in this country, where we have the normal people and then we have the people who have “problems”.

Well a lot of people just don’t put up with that at all. I realize that that’s going on and so there’s a built-in filter for the “How are you? – Fine” sort of people. So it’s like they’re not real. They’re fake.

But you know I could walk down the street and find somebody who’s probably going to be black or Latino, who’s NOT like that. AT ALL!  And never has been.

I just know that certain types of interactions are very standard and at the same time not very useful. It’s sort of like dealing with livestock—

Lindsay: Sheeple?

Dmitry: Well, I like sheep too much [to say that].

There’s this thing called, some people call it “Weird Old America.” It’s the stuff that doesn’t fit in. It’s the stuff that never stood a chance. But it’s still around, because it works. And so if you’re a part of that anywhere, then you might stand a chance with it.

It’s the United States of Generica that’s really doomed.

I’ve lived on a boat for a couple of years, on the water you don’t pay rent per-se. You rent a marina slip but that’s not very expensive.  So it’s kind of an interesting way to escape the whole real estate and rental racket in this country where people have this deluded notion that housing is an asset. Housing is a cost. It’s just warehousing people. You’re paying to store people – how’s that an asset?

Lindsay:  Just making rent is back-breaking in this country. So it takes up a good part of that energy in terms of how we can engage with our society and culture. So what’s your take on how that’s affecting us as things are getting more dicey?

Dmitry: I think that there’s the standard pattern of inhabiting the landscape, which is the detached ticky-tacky house with a driveway. So that’s the thing to get rid of.  There’s this iron triangle of House-Car-Job, and the entire landscape is structured so you have to have all three or your life falls apart. People have to be creative in escaping from there.

One promising direction [for the dispossessed poor] is indoor camping. You wouldn’t want to live in an abandoned commercial building(of which millions dot the landscape in the United States), right?  But if you bribe the right people and gain access, officially, semi officially, or whatever, you might be able to pitch a tent inside. You might even get that tent heated during the winter, a little propane heater. You might put in a water collection and filtration system. A composting toilet. Outfit it. Start a whole village. You know, protected from the elements until the roof caves in. But that’s how people will have to deal with it once the whole Real-Estate racket really degenerates.

Because this housing stock that has been built up in this country is really unmaintainable. It’ll cave in on itself anyway. It’s just like little puff balls of vinyl siding and drywall and what have you, and it’s just not going to last. But there will be fairly substantial commercial buildings, because commercial real estate is so overbuilt, that people will be able to squat in and will be able to call home for periods of time.  So people have to open up their minds and realize that, you know, different landscape, different country.

But it’s a very substantial percentage of the population that’s jobless, long term unemployed, no place to live, living in cars or shelters or camping-grounds.  New York state has recently even introduced a program where they’ll be increasing the number of campgrounds because there’s such a huge homeless population. I’ve visited some campgrounds that really have the feel of long term kind of unofficial communities. So more and more of that is happening.

Lindsay:  What do you think is going to come down the pike with the US?  How do you think the US government will respond as oil supplies tighten, prices rise and the economy weakens further?  Pointing guns at us? Herding us up?  Business as usual?

Dmitry:  They’ll probably do some inane sorts of Homeland Defense initiative type things. Because that is sort of on autopilot.  Until that runs out of money it will continue doing incredibly stupid things.   Just becoming basically more and more invasive in people’s lives for no good reason. For this myth of safety.  So they’ll continue to pursue that.  A lot of the system is just this sort of automaton, running amok, executing a program that no longer makes any sense.

But in terms of the politicians themselves, you know, they know that they have to lie, right?  So the only real competition is in how well you lie and what new lies you come up with when the old lies stop working. They’ll continue doing that until somebody turns the lights off and the cameras off. Basically while there’s a camera pointed at them they’ll continue doing it.

So I think that collapse has its own momentum and its own requirements and it will take shape… [although] the faster this pustule is pierced, the more hope for the patient. It is like lancing a boil. It may be an unsightly process but the sooner it happens the better for everyone.

I tried something and it works and I advocate other middle aged men do it as well. Retire immediately.  Just drop it. Go to work: Resign.

And then make whatever adjustments are needed considering that you’re not going to have much of an income. Have a little bit of an income. But get rid of the mortgage, obviously. Get rid of the car.  If the family can’t deal with it, that’s their problem.

Just shirk off. See where that takes you. How that changes your life. Wait a couple of years and then go back to work. But a reset like that will just completely change your perspective.  [funnily enough – that is exactly what I have just done, by accident rather than design, but still…   ~R ]

Most of the people who are in the danger zone as far as I’m concerned are ready to just basically work until retirement and then die shortly thereafter. And chances are their career won’t even hold together that long. That is becoming a rarity, too.  But the thing that gets them most depressed is just the complete thanklessness of being plugged into something that they don’t believe in.

The only word of caution there is you do actually have to drop your burn rate.  Some people… they’re just burning through their reserve. So that’s pretty important.  [yeah, that was me too  ~R ]

[ Extra reading ]



The solution is simple: we tell the truth.

The Orwellian bumper sticker tells us: “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

Whenever we encounter a lie, we respond with the truth. From local neighborhoods to the White House, in the coffee shop or city council chambers, we never let a lie pass unchallenged. This accomplishes two goals: we raise the consciousness of all within reach, and we challenge those who lie to us and expect to get away with it.

Thus the revolution begins.

~ Michael A. Lewis, Transition Voice


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One is the dialog from a movie – the other was a deadly threat.


You still don’t get it, do you!?

He’ll find her! That’s what he does!

It’s ALL he does! You can’t stop him!

He’ll wade through you, reach down her throat, and pull her fucking heart out!!

Listen, and understand. That Terminator is out there. It can’t be bargained with.

It can’t be reasoned with. It doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear.

And it absolutely will not stop – ever.

Until you are dead.

~ Kyle Reese


we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end…

we shall fight on the seas and oceans… and in the air

whatever the cost may be

we shall fight on the beaches…

we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills

we shall never surrender

~ Winston Churchill



Don’t be fooled by appearances 


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It is an interesting state of affairs when we have “winners”, wealthy economists, saying this sort of thing…    (and the MSM printing it)


Rot at Centre of Modern economics  (NZ Herald)

~ Gareth Morgan (& Susan Guthrie)

Ever since moral philosophy and economics parted ways and mathematical advances reduced the subject of economics to answering “what if” questions, we’ve suffered from a vacuum of understanding of why we tax and why we distribute the proceeds via state transfer payments.

Indeed we are so preoccupied with determining how big a budget deficit or size of government we can get away with, how we can cut the cost of welfare, how next year’s outlook compares with last year’s, that the rationale for why we redistribute has, to all intents and purposes, been forgotten.

One could be forgiven, in the light of the jargon of government-appointed tax working groups and welfare working groups, for believing that the main tax policy objective is to stop tax dodging and the main redistribution issue is to end welfare bludging. That’s how dumbed-down and myopic the New Zealand discussion on tax and distribution has become…

How ironic that GDP, the modern economists’ yardstick of worth, doesn’t even recognise the contribution of these people. How insulting, how absolutely bereft of any values economics has now become…

There comes a point when people become so alienated from those who control the institutions of a society that public disorder is the only weapon they can respond with…

Worshipping unfalteringly at the altar of paid work exhibits a tunnel view of how value is created in society. Who is going to claim that raising a child is worth less than packing shelves at a supermarket? The market certainly does…

That our consumer society has become so mesmerised by materialism that the common belief is that everyone should be in paid work is testimony to the corrosion of what we value and our obsession with material gain, no matter how trivial. We have, sadly, lost the plot…

(whole article)

I see this as not just a commentary on our choices and direction as a society, but also a vague appreciation of the extent to which we are also in danger of social breakdown and anarchy.

It is still just a rumble of a warning, but it is a warning that would never even have been contemplated a year or two ago.






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I have said elsewhere in my Blog that if a Revolution devolves into fighting and civil war, then that equates to a substantual failure of the Revolution.

The Revolution can still ultimately prevail, but ideally it should have been able to complete the transition of authority by; coup d’état/fait accompli.

The current experience in Libya is an interesting object lesson though.  It behooves us all to take note and learn from what has happened there.

1.)  The incumbent regime will not go willingly.

No matter how bankrupt, illegitimate or incompetent it is, it will fight to maintain the status quo and its own privileges. It may even believe its own rhetoric and propaganda. Listening to Muammar Ghaddafi over the last week has been a nauseating spectacle of self-aggrandizement and fantasy.  As he urged “the people” to go out and fight and die for his benefit, all you could do is wonder whether there was anyone, anywhere who took him the least bit seriously – including himself. Was he truly so deluded as to believe what he said? …but how else do you explain the nonsense that came out of his mouth?

In the West (notably the United States), the Incumbent Regime is the money/political axis (Wall Street and Washington). It is now no better than a criminal conspiracy (here, here and here). And a bankrupt one at that. But it will NOT just go quietly into the night. It will fight for its survival, tooth and claw.

2.)  The nauseating self-serving propaganda will roll out unceasingly.

Particularly when the News-Media is owned and operated by the crooks. So expect “the Big-Lie”, the ignoring and marginalizing of the inconvenient (the truth), and the attempt at misdirection (blame something/anything else).

3.)   Ultimately the people will prevail however – if they want it badly enough.

Will you crawl over the dead bodies of your comrades to get at your oppressor?

4.)  Some-one has to stand up and start the process, clarion the war cry.

And it is a war. There will ultimately be a winner and a loser. One side HAS to prevail, and the other MUST be defeated – utterly. Some-one has to stand up and call it like it is. It would be nice if when the reckoning comes, that it is possible to do it without fighting in the streets – but it IS a fight to the death for incompatible ideologies(if not people).

So call it like it is, keep at it, and hope that enough people hear the call and rally to the Standard, prepared to fight.  (otherwise – nothing changes)

5.)  The crooks (and sycophants) in charge aren’t as strong as they think they are.

Sure, a lot of people will wave the flag for the Regime while the wind still blows that way, but that support will melt away like fog when push comes to shove.

And then what is left is the hard core thugs and bullies that always gravitate to corruption.  Those types have no qualms about murder and mayhem. Yes, they will have to be hunted down and dealt with like rabid dogs. But a couple of hundred of those (even a couple of thousand) can’t hold back millions who have finally had enough and are determined to prevail.

When the Revolutionary forces surge out onto the streets en-mass, then the game is up.

6.)  If the Revolution begins without a unified command, ideology, or plan – it will cost you.

You start at a disadvantage against an opponent which does already have all those things. And it will then be necessary to develop them, whilst in the middle of a fight for survival.

The better the plan, ideology and unity from the beginning, the smaller the price that will ultimately have to be paid.  Libya has paid in blood that Butchers Bill.

7.)  Finally, always remember – these people ARE crooks and villains.

Whatever they may plead, it is bollocks and yet another part of their “Big Lie”.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck – it’s a DUCK.

Or if you prefer you allegories with a biblical bent…  “by their actions they shall be known”.


GhadDaffy showed his true colours at the end, plain to see – calling for others to spill their blood to protect his interests.

Actually Daffy – Libya and the Libyans will survive just fine without you thanks. Time (and past time) for you to piss-off.

And the same goes for the crooks running our financial and political systems.

Time we got off our arses and ejected them too.










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For anyone who writes, it is always a real pleasure to run across an superior example of the art.

And as every every blog, like every loaf, needs a little leavening, here is a little social commentary and light relief all in one neat package.



The Observer:  Who gives a Monkeys

  – Sunday 7 August 2011

Have you worked out what you think about Charlie Gilmour’s prison sentence yet? Millions have. Newspapers and the internet are teeming with opinions. He got 16 months for throwing a bin at a car and kicking a window. He also swung from one of the flags attached to the Cenotaph, of which someone managed to take a rather striking photo. This monumental discourtesy incurred no criminal charges, but it’s that insult to the war dead that has encapsulated for many what a cock he must be and why he deserves 16 months’ encapsulation.

Not that swinging off something is necessarily a sign of disrespect, particularly when you’re off your face on LSD, Valium and whisky. It may be that the infantilising effect of a cocktail of intoxicants led him to swing off things out of affection, like a boisterous baby gorilla. Perhaps it was an outpouring of warmth for those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We might be a healthier society, in both mind and body, if we showed our approval in this more physical way. The Remembrance Sunday service would be so much more hopeful if, at the core of it, was television footage of the Queen, prime minister and all the senior politicians and generals, twirling round the Cenotaph from brightly coloured flags in a joyous, gyrating orgy of respect, like boozy villagers round a maypole of death.

However, that wasn’t Gilmour’s defence. He said he was very sorry and hadn’t realised the significance of the Cenotaph which, considering he’s reading history at Cambridge, the judge deemed unlikely. Well, maybe he started at the beginning and hasn’t got to 1918 yet.

But the important thing is: what do we think? Is 16 months too much, too little or just right? Do you agree with the group of Cambridge dons who called it a “travesty of justice”, his mother, Polly Samson, who said it was a “terrible waste of taxpayers’ money” (when she hears about Trident, she’ll go spare) or columnist Amanda Platell who thought it “too lenient, given the acts of violence he perpetrated and the deep offence he caused that day”?

Come on, make up your minds – this is important! It highlights all sorts of vital issues to do with justice and the right to protest, etc. It’s not just one posh guy who got a bit unlucky for once. No, this is worth pulling out all the stops for. Let the Cambridge academics and the friends of his parents speak up in his defence because, if we let this pass, then we are lost. Or alternatively, let those who see liberal privilege as a scourge of our country’s values draw their line in the sand now, lest we descend into an anarchy where all that we hold most dear – the Cenotaph, the Prince of Wales, Topshop – is covered in graffiti and piss. And semen and shit. And litter. And those little red rubber bands that postmen drop – I’ve heard that they get used as nooses by down-on-their-luck bumble bees. Everything was fine in society up until now but suddenly something has gone wrong and, you know what they say: all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.

I’ve always felt it immodest to interpret that aphorism as a call to action. I intend to do nothing because I don’t think this story matters much, other than to Gilmour and his friends and family. I don’t blame them for pulling every string they can to reduce his time in prison but I don’t see why the rest of us should join in, any more than we should send him books or a cake with a file in it. I agree that the sentence is a bit steep but it’s at most a minor injustice: he shouldn’t have thrown a bin at a car – most people don’t.

Of course, it’s interesting because he’s the scion of celebrities and some argue that the case is consequently a valuable spur to public discussion of broader issues about our judicial system. Others say that Gilmour has been made an example of because of his privileged life. Well, if the latter is true then it spoils the former because the broader issues of how we treat children from rock-star families when they go off the rails aren’t that broad. In the end, someone has been sent to prison for a longer than expected time for a crime he freely admits that he committed. That’s not a big deal. I’m sure it’s a bit wrong but I find it hard to really care.

I feel much the same about prisoners’ voting rights, another issue where a lot of juicy strong views vie for attention. Are we denying them their human rights? Or is Europe interfering with our sovereignty by trying to overrule Parliament? I think it’s fine either way. Those incarcerated can hardly claim shock at their disenfranchisement considering that this has always been the rule but, on the other hand, what difference would a few tens of thousands added to the electoral roll make? To be honest, I don’t give a damn and I don’t think I would if I were in prison, either.

And what about fox hunting? You’d think we were all foxes or chickens by how much we discuss it. Or that it was the final issue that needed to be resolved to complete a perfect civilisation – the cherry on the top of our utopia. Why are millions of us attracted by the contemplation of these peripheral issues? Perhaps because they invoke simple, clear opinions or involve celebrities – or, in the cases of Charlie Gilmour and Otis Ferry, both.

Whatever side you take in these controversies, they’re really only donkey sanctuary injustices. Like donkey cruelty, they’re simple emotive causes that we can get behind instead of addressing more complex problems, which are also more important. Many people devote their lives to animal charities largely, in my view, because human pain is widespread and complicated and bottomless – it feels like you can never make a difference. But, in a bewildering world, you can cling to the certainty that it’s wrong to be cruel to donkeys and nice to look after them properly. And then try to ignore what a small conclusion that is to have drawn.

So, for God’s sake, work out what you think about Charlie Gilmour’s prison sentence. Do it quickly and then move on.



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Are the first few glimmers of light starting to penetrate the fog…?


This from the Main-Stream-Media (MSM) no less: The Guardian

   The verdict of the markets, in Europe and the US, seems to be that elected governments cannot do what needs to be done… and decided the American system had become too dysfunctional to be reliable or even useful…

The political class in any country naturally resists such a damning judgment… but there are many who…harbour doubts as to how much difference the politicians will really make…

This scepticism toward the potency of democratic politicians – and therefore democratic politics itself – is oddly echoed by the looters themselves… It’s striking that the targets have not been town halls or, say, Tory HQ… If they are making a political statement, it is that politics does not matter… that sense of the impotence of politics is widespread, too…

in previous periods of instability the assumption was that if only political power was in different hands… things would be better… Now what small glimmers of optimism there are come from pockets of communal action… Democratic institutions themselves are seen as weak or broken…

The irony of all this is that the great story of 2011 has been the Arab spring… It seems that just as those nations demand the tools of democracy, we are finding them rusting and blunt in our hands.


Not just rusting and blunt, also dysfunctional, captured and corrupt.

As Einstein said, the definition of insanity is to keep repeating the same action and expecting a different result.

Our politicians and our political system got us into this mess, there is no way on Gods green earth they can get us out – they are the problem.

Inevitably over time, any system will be tried and tested, gamed and manipulated to see if it is possible to circumvent the laws, regulations and objectives of a structure.

Some people find it in their interests to cheat.

When they eventually succeed (and they always will), and succeed to the extent that they have comprehensively mutated the system to their own ends, so then you get what we have now, a kleptocracy, crony capitalism, system capture.  The supremacy of an organised criminal class, a modern aristocratic elite, bankers and politicians.  Also hypocrisy and willful blindness too of course.

None of this can be corrected with more of the same.

Our political system will have to be erased and reset – there can be no half measures on this.  The knowledge of how to defeat and exploit our parliamentary democracies already exists. Those vulnerabilities will have to be expunged, and new systems developed that would hopefully be more resilient, or at the very least sufficiently novel and innovative that they are less vulnerable (for a while).

Our institutions ARE broken – irredeemably.

First, recognise the fact…






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I have been interested to observe over the last couple of days the crashes on world stock markets – and the riots, looting and arson in London and across Britain.

Particularly interesting to note also was the comments along the lines of “who would have thought?” and “What was the spark for that?”, etc.

Taking Britain’s riots first – Really… really, who would have though…???

Ohh give me a break, half of Britian would have thought.

But they are the disenfranchised half who don’t ever get a real voice aren’t they. So their voice ends up being an inchoate scream of rage and frustration. The riots ARE their voice – finally spoken loud enough for the rest to hear.

For the Jet-Set and the comfortable-middle-class who continue to take their holidays in Marbella, Biarritz, St Moritz, Monaco etc… the realities of the world economic situation have mostly eluded them. For some other people (a LOT of other people) things have been very painful for some time now.

That would be the people represented by those high unemployment numbers.

And as I have commented before – when does an army of unemployed become
simply just an army?

And here’s another thing to consider, what armies do, what they have always done, is rape and pillage, burn villages and cities to the ground, and leave a waste-ground and misery behind them.

It doesn’t have to be rational or sensible. And it wont be. It will be violent and brutish.

And it has been all been sitting there and rumbling in the background for a long time now. A spark, any spark, enough to light the inferno.

No doubt the immediate situation will burn itself out at some point.

But to say that it is a surprise and who could have seen this coming is either arrant stupidity or willful blindness. Maybe we can also add gross incompetence…

It is interesting too the extent to which the well-off have this amazing sense of entitlement: …ohh weren’t we clever and didn’t we work hard to get where we are. And: I deserve the rewards I enjoy.

Will you deserve to have it burnt out from underneath you too…???

I’ll bet they wont think so. But I bet the rioters do.

Some six months back, I mentioned that the riots that happened in London then (over student loans or the like) where just a fore-taste. I might have said it here in the blog, or maybe it was just to friends and family. But my comment at the time was that that wasn’t a riot – wait until the summer comes – then things will really heat up.  Summer is riot season.

In at least the big picture sense, that was easy enough to predict. The specifics of where and when, that is beyond accurate analysis. But come on, anybody/everybody – who didn’t have their head so far up their arse that they can’t see daylight anymore – knew this was coming.

You want another prediction – this isn’t the end of it either.

Sure the police will wade in with their size 12’s and quell it for a while, but they can’t be everywhere all the time. And when it comes to the long game, the authorities are going to lose, from exhaustion.

Which brings us to point two:

The market crash that is currently happening. I think in many ways that is a misnomer and a mis-appreciation of what is happening. Yes the markets are crashing, but really what it is, is the markets finally running away out of the control of governments. For the last three years we have had governments world-wide intervening and interfering (massively) to try and prevent (or at least prevent recognition of) our economic slide into Depression.

I am sorry, but all this talk of economic slowdown, Recession, or recovery from Recession is all just so much Bullshit.

It is a Depression.

And we are still only in the opening rounds – call this the end of the beginning.

The kind of surprising thing is the extent to which it is actually following the script from the last one. But there are some significant differences too.

Back then, the blame for the Great-Depression substantially ended up falling on Capitalist Big-Money, the Robber-Barons and the Corporate-Conglomerates. In large part, the political establishment came out of it being seen as the saviour.

Not this time around methinks.

Sure the banking and finance sectors carry their share of the blame this time as well. But the general manufacturing and business sectors are not viewed as the guilty party here. Whatever their sins may be, and there are some: the outsourcing of jobs, cutbacks and “efficiencies”. The very real sense is that the home and source of the actual problem is Governments.

Closed shop, unresponsive, irresponsible, spendthrift, wastrel Governments.  Run by a self-serving, elitist, modern-day aristocracy.

An Aristocracy can be tolerated if it is at least efficient and effective.

But if it isn’t, if there are riots in the streets and markets crashing, inflation raging and the authorities floundering, then change is a-comin…

And it won’t just be a swapping around of political parties either.

Our governments (and system of government) have failed, on pretty much every level. They wont escape the blame.

or at least that is my prediction…   🙂

Now we get to see how long the process takes.

Some other good links on this topic:  [from Al Jazeera interestingly]

Nothing mindless about rioters

Londoners: rioting through the ages

Running through riotous London

Rioting for justice in London

and from the (alarmed) Comfortable Middle-Classes:

UK press reaction

Cameron vows action



If you wanted something more specific regarding what I talked about with the  Jetset and comfortable middle class – if you need an image to hang that hook on – think “Top Gear” tossers like Jeremy Clarkson. His half witted juvenile prattle about over-priced toys, and his purile opinions on – well, everything –  sum up a class of people that in another age ended up on the guillotine. People in “wealthy” western countries are failing into poverty and he talks about outrageously expensive cars, speeding across europe for the fun of it, and how no-one should abridge his right to do so.  That is kind of rubbing a lot of peoples faces in it, like a modern-day equivalent of Let-them-eat-cake. The wonder of it is that so many people just lap it up.







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